The coupled Brinkman penalization and Volume of Fluid methods are presented to simulate incompress-ible multiphase and reacting flows in the presence of arbitrarily shaped solids with superhydrophobic / superhydrophilic surfaces on adaptive meshes. The developed algorithm enables simulating immisible fluids around solids with highly complex geometry of microfluidic devices and systems. The proposed method is implemented in the open-source framework BASILISK based on finite volume method and adaptive mesh refinement. The direct numerical simulation of variety of complex flows demonstrates excellent convergence properties.
The proposed solver is used to simulate the 3D two-phase flow of an elongated bubble in a microchannel and resin flow with polymerization in fiber reinforced structures.
Evgenii Sharaborin is a 4rd year PhD student at Skoltech. He graduated from Department of Problems of Physics and Energetics of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with a Master’s degree in “Applied Mathematics and Physics” and joined CDMM, Skoltech in 2017.