The laboratory was created within the framework of the project "The development of scientific basis for using of biodegradable polymers of a given structure in biomedical technologies and experimental justification of their application" within the framework of the Megagrant under the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 220. The first head of the laboratory was Prof. MIT A.J.Sinskey, one of the famous world authority in metabolomic engineering.
Over the past twenty, we are developing new science - tissue engineering, TE, while there are still no clinical technologies in the medical markets and publicly available products. One of the main points in TE is correct selection/adjusting of biomaterial, which will perform the function of the extracellular matrix in de-novo TE-structures. It is critical for successful implantation to control the biocompatibility and biodegradability of the scaffolding biomaterial. Most likely, the use of artificial intelligence, AI, will allow us to optimize the scientific search and get the desired TE-product as soon as possible.
Ekaterina I. Shishatskaya, MD (RUS.), Prof., Head of New Biomaterials Lab., Prof. and Head of the Medical Biology Dept., Siberian Federal University; Lead. Sci. Worker in the Institute of Biophysics, FRC SBRAS, Krasnoyarsk.