Resin Transfer Molding is one of the widely used manufacturing techniques for high performance composite parts. However, traditional methods for permeability characterization are always accompanied by significant cost, material consumption, labor time and effort. The current work is devoted to virtual permeability benchmarking for FRP composites based on the micro-CT analysis in order to develop a permeability characterization framework.
In this seminar, the talk will consist of how to perform virtual study of FRP permeability at microscopic scale. Moreover, different approaches for micro-CT image processing and image-based prediction of FRP permeability will be discussed as well as methods for modeling permeability process and validating the developed model for FRP composites in particular.

Ruslan Vorobyev is a 3rd year PhD student at Skoltech. He graduated from the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics from Saint Petersburg State University with a Bachelor’s degree and continued to study Mechanics and Mathematics on Master’s degree in CDMM, Skoltech since 2016.