Institute of Science
and Technology

Additive Manufacturing Laboratory


Additive Manufacturing Laboratory accelerates the development and study of novel materials and manufacturing technologies for a range of Additive Manufacturing methods. There are 3 major materials directions explored in the laboratory: ceramics, metals, and plastics.

Assistant Professor, Head of Laboratory
Provide multiscale modelling and inverse design methodology to assist in navigating complex process-structure-property relationships

Produce a new foundation for CAD systems to overcome the limitations of existing solid modelling in representing complex geometries and multiple materials

Fabricate functionally gradient materials and multiple materials, and embed components during fabrication processes

Apply computational modelling, information and design methodologies

Develop Skoltech courses, education materials, and curricula at both the undergraduate and graduate levels

Develop Skoltech training programs for industry specialists with certifications given by professional societies or organizations
The materials and equipment developed in the laboratory are used in industrial and scientific research projects, supported by industrial companies and Russian scientific agencies and ministries
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Research projects
Synergy of engineering science and digital technologies aimed at the development of a simulation-driven design of advanced materials, structures
Ongoing Industrial Activities:
Study of new materials produced by Oerlikon and Polema:
  • Novel Materials for Ceramics based AM

  • Elaboration of SLM process for Advanced Materials: high-temperature alloys, high entropy alloys, metal & polymer matrix composites

  • Multiscale Multiphysics Modeling and Simulation of SLM process

  • In house SLS/M machine design and process optimization

Initiative R&D activity:
  • Geometrical modeling and Topology optimization

  • Direct Energy Deposition (DED) of hot resistance powdered alloys and fabrication of the Functional Graded Structures with special properties

  • 4D printing. Computer modeling and fabrication of electro-physical and biochemical properties of Micro-/Nano-EMS (electro-mechanical systems)

  • Bioprinting of implants, tissue engineering scaffolds, sustainable (green) devices etc.

Synergy of engineering science and digital technologies aimed at the development of a simulation-driven design of advanced materials, structures
Boron as an Alloying Element for Improving Mechanical Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steels in Additive Manufacturing
Evlashin, Stanislav A. and Kuzminova, Yulia O. and Firsov, Denis G. and Dubinin, Oleg N. and Rogozin, Oleg A. and Perevozchikov, Mikhail V. and Akhatov, Iskander S., Boron as an Alloying Element for Improving Mechanical Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steels in Additive Manufacturing. Available at SSRN: or
SLM Additive Manufacturing of NiTi Porous Implants: A Review of Constitutive Models, Finite Element Simulations, Manufacturing, Heat Treatment, Mechanical, and Biomedical Studies

Mojtaba Jalali, Kaivan Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza Movahhedy, Farzad Karimi, Sayed Khatiboleslam Sadrnezhaad, Stanislav Chernyshikhin, Igor V. Shishkovsky. Metals and Materials International, 2023

Progress and challenges of 3D-printing technologies in the manufacturing of piezoceramics.
Smirnov, S. Chugunov, A. Kholodkova, M. Isachenkov, A. Vasin, I. Shishkovsky. Ceramics International
Laser Polishing of Nickel-Titanium Shape Memory Alloy Produced via Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Stanislav V. Chernyshikhin, Daniil V. Panov, Tran Van Tuan, Dmitriy Yu. Ozherelkov, Vadim A. Sheremetyev & Igor V. Shishkovsky. Metals and Materials International, 2023
Hardening of Additive Manufactured 316l Stainless Steel by Using Bimodal Powder Containing Nanoscale Fraction. 
M. Filimonov, O. Rogozin, D. Firsov, Y. Kuzminova, S. Sergeev, A. Zhilyaev, M. Lerner, N.Toropkov, A. Simonov, I. Binkov, I. Okulov, I. Akhatov, and S. Evlashin. Materials (Basel)
Deep Neural Network for Real-Time Location and Moment Tensor Inversion of Borehole Microseismic Events Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing.
Wamriew D.S., Charara M., & Maltsev E. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Design and Fabrication of Complex-Shaped Ceramic Bone Implants via 3D Printing Based on Laser Stereolithography. 
Safonov A, Maltsev E, Chugunov S, Tikhonov A, Konev S, Evlashin S, Popov D, Pasko A, Akhatov I. Applied Sciences.
Patent №2757758
Устройство для закрепления хрупких образцов в прессе для проведения прочностный испытаний на растяжение

address: 30с1 Bolshoi boulevard, Skolkovo, 121205, Russian Federation