Institute of Science
and Technology

Center for Materials Technologies

Institute of Science
and Technology

Center for Materials Technologies

The Center for Materials Technologies (CMT) was established to create a direct path from fundamental mechanics and physics to industrial applications, with a particular focus on materials and innovative technologies
Ivan Sergeichev
CREI Director
The mission of CMT is to educate students, create knowledge and solutions for high-tech companies and start-ups supporting overall Skoltech concept as an institute of development. The CMT Program is about three the most important directions in the field of Materials Technologies: Polymer Composite Materials, Functional Coatings, and Additive Technologies.
CMT offers comprehensive MS and PhD educational programs in Advanced Materials, Technologies, and Mechanical Engineering

Hamid Abbasi
Doctoral Student, City University of London
I am momentarily fully engaged in my doctoral studies in Mechanical Engineering at City University of London, motivated by a strong desire to further my field's understanding. During my time at Skoltech, I led innovative research that raised the bar and pushed the boundaries of knowledge under Dr. Dmitriy Dzhurinskiy, a renowned expert in Thermal Spray Technology. With a focus on improving corrosion properties and coating performance for submerged oil and gas infrastructure, I worked with colleagues at the Laboratory of Thermal Spray and Functional Coatings to improve post-processing methods, fine-tune process parameters, and explore the fundamental principles guiding cold spray, wire-arc spray, and flame spray technology. I am incredibly grateful to Dr. Dzhurinskiy and the Skoltech community for their unbounded support and direction; my trip would not have been possible without them.
Anil Lama
PhD student at Florida International University
I am currently a PhD student at Florida International University, pursuing my academic and research endeavours with full passion and commitment. I had the honour of having Dr Dmitriy Dzhurinskiy, a known expert in the field of cold spray technology, as my supervisor throughout my time at Skoltech. I conducted ground-breaking research under his guidance that advanced the field's current state-of-the-art and pushed the boundaries of the area. I worked to improve coating quality and performance with colleagues at the Laboratory of Thermal Spray and Functional Coatings by optimizing the process parameters, post-processing the consolidated coatings, and gaining a fundamental understanding of the underlying mechanisms governing the cold spray process. I owe a great deal of gratitude to my mentor and the Skoltech community for their valuable guidance, help, and support, all of which have helped to shape me into who I am today.
Igor Pchelintsev
R&D Engineer, AMS-OSRAM
Hi! My name is Igor and I am a Skoltech alumnus of the 2022 class.

After completing my MSc program in the Center for Materials Technologies I decided to continue my career as an R&D Engineer in the industry. In a few months, I found such a position at AMS-OSRAM, a leading Opto Semiconductors manufacturer. First, I completed a 2-months internship there and then moved to a permanent position in the Ceramics & Polymers group with a major focus on developing new LED downconverters.

As a result of my research at Skoltech, a scientific article was prepared with my supervisor Prof. Igor Shishkovsky for publication in a Q1 Journal later this year. This project is related to the micro-SLA manufacturing of ceramic hierarchical structures for application in Solid oxide fuel cells.

I really enjoyed the period of my study at Skoltech, one of the most innovative places where dreams start to become true.
Evgeny Iakovlev
Analyst at Yandex Market
I had been studying the modeling of graphene nanobubbles when I was offered an analyst job at Yandex — Yandex Market, to be exact, where I am engaged in developing Market Analytics, an analytical tool for e-trade in Russia and data distribution. I specialize in revenue forecasts for the e-commerce market.
Julia Bondareva
Junior Research Scientist at Skoltech
After completing my doctoral program I continue my research work at the Center for Materials Technologies. For example, I investigated the mechanism of obtaining silica nanoparticles from bulk silicon. As a result of the work, a scientific article was published and a patent was obtained (patent for invention No. 2758782) for an environmentally friendly method of processing bulk silicon into silicon dioxide nanoparticles in an aqueous solution.
Vadim Leshchev
Chief Engineer at DomClick, Sber
After graduating, I went to work as a back-end developer in a startup company, one of the founders of which is my supervisor Sergey Nikolaev. I completed an internship at Yandex and currently work as a chief development engineer at DomClick
Being equipped with state-of-the-art facilities the CMT laboratories are intended for fundamental research at the highest world level and practice-based education focused on materials technologies that involve mechanics and physics of materials, computational engineering, digital design and manufacturing.
    Synergy of engineering science and digital technologies aimed at the development of a simulation-driven design of advanced materials, structures

    Abhishek Babu, Dmitry Dzhurinskiy, Stanislav Dautov, Petr Shornikov. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Volume 111, February 2023, 106105

    Minchenkov, K.; Gusev, S.; Sulimov, A.; Alajarmeh, O.; Sergeichev, I.; Safonov, A. Materials & Design. 2023, 232, 112149
    Yuliya Kan, Julia V Bondareva, Eugene S Statnik, Elizaveta V Koudan, Evgeniy V Ippolitov, Mikhail S Podporin, Polina A Kovaleva, Roman R Kapaev, Alexandra M Gordeeva, Julijana Cvjetinovic, Dmitry A Gorin, Stanislav A Evlashin, Alexey I Salimon, Fedor S Senatov, Alexander M Korsunsky. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 24, no. 7, 2023, pp. 6255
    Alexey A Pcheliakov, Ekaterina Yu Diachkova, Yuriy L Vasil’ev, Oxana A Svitich, Alexander V Poddubikov, Stanislav A Evlashin, Beatrice A Volel, Anastasia A Bakhmet, Svetlana V Klochkova, Ellina V Velichko, Natalia Tiunova, Svetlana V Tarasenko. Biomimetics, vol. 8, no. 1, 2023, pp. 129

    Anastasiia Moskaleva, Sergey Gusev, Stepan Konev, Ivan Sergeichev, Alexander Safonov, Enrique Hernandez-Montes. Composite Structures, Volume 306, 15 February 2023, 116603

    Issabayeva, Z., Shishkovsky, I. Polymers, 2023, vol. 15, no. 5, 1162

    Anastasiia Moskaleva, Sergey Gusev, Stepan Konev, Ivan Sergeichev, Alexander Safonov, Enrique Hernandez-Montes. Composite Structures, Volume 306, 15 February 2023, 116603

    Patent № 2732367
    Способ снижения переходного контактного сопротивления в конструкциях передачи электрическо энерии большой мощности
    Patent № 2758782
    Экологически чистый способ переработки объемного кремния в наночастицы диоксида кремния в водном растворе
    Patent № 2738606
    Термопластичный армированный пултрузионный профиль
    Patent № 2738062
    Термопластичный пултрузионный усилительный вкладыш в полой пластиковой раме оконного или дверного блока
    Patent № 2742170
    Способ непрерывного изготовления термопластичного армированного пултрузионного профиля
    Patent №2757758
    Устройство для закрепления хрупких образцов в прессе для проведения прочностный испытаний на растяжение
    Patent №2810470
    Композиция для антикоррозионного покрытия для защиты стальных конструкций от коррозии
    Ivan Popov, Project Manager


    phone: +7 (495) 280-1481_ext.3346

    address: 30с1 Bolshoi boulevard, Skolkovo, 121205, Russian Federation